3 Outdated Marketing Practices to Ditch (And What to Do Instead)

Ditch This, Do That! Consumer behaviors and trends are constantly in flux with new outlets and techniques emerging almost daily. As a local business owner, you need to stay on top of marketing practices to ensure you are actually reaching potential patients. We have compiled a list of outdated marketing practices that if you haven’t already phased out, you need to ditch ASAP!

DITCH: Promo and sales heavy social media posts. Only 20% of your social media posts should be self-promotional or sales-oriented.
DO: Share and post content to connect you to your audience. Engaging stories, funny cartoons, questions, contests, etc. should make up 80% of your social media content.

DITCH: Buying fake reviews. You will be penalized for buying fake reviews by review sites and search engines. Potential clients can often identify fake reviews and will distrust you.
DO: Get real, written and video reviews from satisfied customers by simply remembering to ask them!

DITCH: Keyword stuffing. While it might seem like a good idea to use as many popular keywords as possible in your blog posts and website articles, the “Hummingbird” and other Google updates have changed the landscape of search and reward high-quality, naturally written content over content meant to “game the system.”
DO: Create content that truly informs the reader and contains information about your services and specialty in natural language. You can start with a well-written frequently asked questions page that provides answers to questions commonly asked by your clients about your services or products.

As you create a new online marketing strategy, be sure to phase out old, outdated practices and start incorporating the latest effective tools and resources.

For more on the latest marketing strategies for medical practices, contact us! We’d love to talk about how to help you get the most out of your marketing.

eDoctors Marketing