The Best Way to Get Google’s (and Your Patient’s) Attention

What makes a patient choose to work with you? Your knowledge, expertise, services offered, popularity, gender, and location are all factors that potential patients consider before dialing your number. Search engines like Google help patients research this data by presenting them with the most important and relevant information–so what Google “thinks” of you is, in many cases, what potential patients will think of you as well. So how do you get Google to show you off? Here is the secret to getting Google’s (and potential patient’s) attention.

The Secret to Getting Google’s Attention

The best way to increase credibility with Google is actually to stop thinking about SEO tricks and tactics, and focus on what potential patients want.

Google specializes in giving users exactly the information and data that will most help them. The good news is, you’re good at understanding your patients (and you’re about to get even better), which are your target audience. Give potential patients the best experience and exactly the information they’re looking for. Potential patients will see and appreciate this, search engines will pick up on it, and you’ll see your diligent, quality work pay off.

So, what does this look like from a practical standpoint? Here are some of the most important things potential patients will look for while researching a doctor, which make them some of the biggest factors Google considers as well.

A “Patient Friendly” Website

Some of the key things potential patients look for in a medical practice website are:

  1. Mobile responsiveness, so that the website is easy to use on any device.
  2. Clear contact information, so it’s easy to get in touch with you and find your location.
  3. Simple navigation, allowing users to move around the website and find information quickly and easily.
  4. Modern design that showcases the content and information in an attractive way, reflecting your practice’s aesthetic and professionalism.

Content with Soul

Your practice’s website might have content on services you provide, biographical information on you and your staff, descriptions of your facility, etc. Even the most practical content on your site can be written in a way that draws the reader in and engages them, by remembering one thing: write like you’re talking to a friend. Of course, a level of professionalism must be maintained, as well as proper grammar and spelling. But if the content on your site approaches topics so a layperson can understand, and uses an inviting, even playful tone, readers will feel receptive and connected.

This is especially true if you have a blog section where you publish more timely articles and updates. A blog gives you, as a doctor, the opportunity to level with potential patients and seem more accessible and less intimidating. You can also include more dynamic content like infographics, case studies, videos, and more, all of which give you an opportunity to engage, rather than bore, your audience.

Share-Worthy Social Media

Managing your identity online, through social media and review websites, matters to both potential patients and search engines. Patients want to see that you’re active in the spaces they are active in, and they trust other people’s reviews (whether strangers on review sites or referrals from friends and family which often come through social media). This is why Google gives social media platforms and review websites credibility, and it’s worth spending time crafting your online identity.


Spend time cultivating a high-quality online presence. Your potential patients will take notice, and Google will follow suit. Win-win!

eDoctors Marketing